About Us

Cambrian Growth Partners invests in and advises fast-growing companies building the next generation of healthcare and technology solutions. The firm was founded in 2001 as a strategic and financial advisory services firm serving both private and public companies. Cambrian provides valuable finance, market and operations insights to assist companies striving to increase scale and value. Our work assisting executives and Boards to develop highly competitive strategies is a seminal step in driving shareholder value.
Cambrian leads fundraising and M&A initiatives as investors and advisors. Each transaction is unique and requires focused attention on current market conditions and shareholder requirements. Cambrian is highly process oriented and considers creative valuation and structural alternatives on a case-by-case basis. We work across many high-tech and healthcare sectors and have completed private and public transactions ranging in value from several million to several billion dollars.
We draw on the extensive backgrounds of our partners as founders, builders, operators and investors. Our partners have built and served in executive roles at MuleSoft, PayPal, Matterport, Levl Technologies, Teknova, Conversa, Healthline, Wave 80 Biosciences and other leading high-tech and healthcare companies. Each of our partners began his or her career with leading investment banks and corporate strategy firms.

The Cambrian Period of geological history occurred 500 million years ago. It is characterized by the most intense burst of evolution ever known, producing incredible diversity of life including the first representatives of all modern animal phyla alive today. Cambrian Growth Partners draws a parallel between its work with companies focused on creating new, high-growth market solutions and the incredible growth seen during the Cambrian Period.